A Love Letter & A Wake-up Call.
Dear Toronto,
Your city isn't what you think it is.
There are two versions of Toronto: one that is a utopia of safety, security and opportunity. The other plagued by violence, scarcity, and inequality.
We have become comfortable with mediocrity, virtual signalling and incrementalism. Not because of lack of motivation or interest, but because we are indifferent to suffering in Black and Indigenous communities.
Inquiry is vital to change and advancement. Raising awareness and asking questions is the first step in tackling our apathy.
As we seek to unify the city, ask yourself—
which side of the city did I wake up in today?
Foundations across Canada have amassed over $120 billion in tax-payer assets, designated solely for charitable purposes. We need the philanthropic community to play a stronger role in addressing the inequalities that exist in our city that lead to violence. We need significant philanthropic reform to ensure that this money is serving communities in need.
Violence continues to be an increasing challenge and youth who experience poverty are impacted more by this violence than any other demographic. The number of Toronto shootings rose 121% between 2013 and 2017, and rose 176% between 2014 and 2019 — did you notice?
We need to practice trust-based philanthropy and re-think how we can support frontline organizations and accelerate our impact at scale.
By making an open-ended and comprehensive commitment to communities in conflict with the law, we can help reduce violence, improve economic well-being, and create equitable access to opportunities these communities so desperately lack.